The energy efficiency is based on 3 features:

1.Rationalization of consumption
The rationalization of consumption is part of the macro-item inherent in the containment of fixed costs: the realization, through precise interventions aimed at “lightening” the headquarters of its business, makes the net profit more consistent without the addition of additional revenues.

2.Profitable use of renewable sources
Renewable energies are currently the best allies in achieving this goal. If they are part of the process that results in the reduction of company costs, they also help to build an image of an eco-friendly company, with consequent economic returns at the marketing level.

3.Use of more efficient technologies
Photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pumps, cogeneration: the solutions to save energy are many. They have significant potential, which is unfortunately still hampered by the lack of an energy efficiency culture and the constant uncertainty of the regulatory framework. The only certainty given, is that the technology, progressing, will contribute more and more to the reduction of fixed and structural costs. Exploiting them will always be a valuable help for entrepreneurs!